Signals Chapter expansion Clickable link
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Chapter Expansion for Hand and Arm Signals


This is an optional chapter expansion (Communication and Miscellaneous Equipment). It encompasses all Hand and Arm Signals used when conducting dismounted Infantry operations. The expansion will add 40 pages to any Visual Dictionary for Military Applications and is available in all languages offered by Intellectus Publishing LLC.

The expansion  is available upon request at an additional cost of $2.50 per book (20 books minimum).

Product Description

This chapter expansion for hand and arm signals is a perfect addition to our Visual Dictionaries for Military Applications. Should your mission require the execution or training in dismounted Infantry operations, hand and arm signals are an essential part.  The hand and arm signals in our books are in accordance with U.S. Army Techniques Publication (TP) No. 3-21.8 (Infantry Platoon and Squad) and Training Circular No. 3-21.60 (Visual Signals).  Whichever version of our Visual Dictionaries you need, we have the appropriate hand and arm signals chapter expansion in the same languages.


Our version of the hand and arm signals not only depict the actual hand and arm motion and what it stands for, but at times contains additional notations which clarify possible ambiguities.


Since not every mission or training event requires the use of hand and arm signals, this is an optional chapter addition.  No matter whether you require a bi- or tri-lingual dictionary, the additional 40 pages will cost $2.50 per book and require a minimum order of 20 books.